Our Family's Adventure in Chile while I study Landscape Architecture at the Universidad Catolica


Parque Ecuador

This park is very close to the apartment, it is just a few blocks away. This park is more like the parks we have here in the states. It's kind of cool because it is actually a hill that the have conserved as a park. They left most of the hill with its native plants and have made a road to the top. Along the bottom of the park, they have put in a bunch of grass, paths, play equipment, and big trees. Some of these trees are ancient, they are incredible just to look at. There is this cypress tree in particular that I just love. I still haven't got a great picture of it but I will I think we need to go later in the evening. A new attraction that they have at this park is a community water park. Everyday that we have been there it been full of people. It seems like quite a fun idea though I wonder about how healthy it is but then I think the same of public pools.

The hill is quite large and fairly tall, we still haven't gone to the top but I have been told that it has a great view of the city. Like I said before, most of the hill is left just as a natural woodlands area, the part that is actually maintained is just the bottom of the hill. It makes for a very long and narrow park. I would say that it is about a one and half city blocks wide and about a mile to a mile and half long. We found out today that the park also hosts different fairs and that the biggest art fair had just started today. My wife loved looking at all the different handmade crafts from not just Chile but all different countries in south america. Luckily for me I didn't have much money on me but I am worried because she is already planning on going back there next week and with a lot more money. While she was there she took a bunch of pictures and I thought they made a good slide show with all the colors and types of things that they have here in Chile.

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