I watch the gardeners taking care of the plazas and i see all of the issues that they have to deal with and think no wonder they can't keep up with it and thats why there always are maintenance problems. So many of these issues could be solved with some simple redesign. now don't get me wrong if they threw more money at these spaces they could fix it, but isn't that always the issue with public spaces are that they are under funded since it falls upon the government to pay for it.
Can you imagine trying to water a whole park with a hose. luckily here he get help with some rain but still as you can see there are still a lot of dry spots. the bigger problem is that if he has to spend all of the time watering the grass when will he have time to do all of the other stuff like weed, maintain the play equipment. This problem could be fixed by adding a sprinkler system. The issue here is not money because there is the money, the problem is that no one knows how to design one. water pressure, evaporation rates, soil types, hydro physics and grass requirements which you need to know to do a efficient irrigation system at this scale are not know. Thats the point, if you have people knowledge you can overcome most money constraints. As Chile develops careers in the Landscape Industry these problems will start to be solved.
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